

Allied Health Counseling

Spring/Fall  2024- 2025 Term: 

All Allied Health Counseling appointments are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Appointments can be in person or CONFERZOOM. Appointments in person are at the Consumer & Health Sciences Division office, Blg 43 (CD&D), Room 101.

If you need a program ready date for any allied health program,  please make an appointment with Mr. Choe via his allied health counseling schedule. See below and select "Current OCC Student who has Completed ALH 010".  If you have taken ALH 012 for medical and dental assisting, you will also need to see Mr. Choe to receive a program ready date. 

Allied Health counseling appointments are intended for students who have already completed Allied Health A010. If you are a prospective student looking for additional information, please make an appointment to see a general counselor in Watson Hall.

The counseling services available specifically for Allied Health students are unique and have been developed to help students identify and clarify personal, career and educational goals. The intent is to help students navigate the application completion process, including updating records of program prerequisite completion, or moving to the "program ready" list.

Allied Health counseling appointments are only available during the Fall and Spring semesters. The schedule only shows 2 weeks at time, and if no appointments appear available, this means all appointments are currently booked for the next two weeks. Appointments become available every Thursday at 8.30 am.  You may also call Ms. Wood, the Allied Health Progarm Assistant to schedule an appointment at 714-432-5729. Please ensure that you have looked at the scheduler first to see if any appointmetns are available. If you have questions you may email Ms. Wood at awood26@occ.cccd.edu 

When making an appointment, you must select a reason for the appointment. Please choose the most accurate option available, as this will help us to better serve you. If you must cancel an appointment, please do so as soon as possible but no less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time.


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